Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tell Me

     Hello folks. I've been thinking about this site lately and the kinds of posts that I include. That got me to thinking about you that visit this site from time to time. I wonder what kinds of things would you like to see. This site is based on visiting unique places,people and the Swift legend as well as my book. And honestly, I want to promote the sale of my book. This is one method but of course, I need lots of visitors some of which may just want to purchase their own book or eBook. I want to keep those who visit the site interested in returning and (this is very important) sharing the site with others. The more visitors to this blog the better the sales of my book.
    You can help me by sharing this blog with your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Simply share the link and ask them to check it out. I realize not everyone is interested in the things included in this blog and that is why I am asking you to tell me what you would like to see covered here. You can post that in a comment here on this blog. You also can send your comments and thoughts to me in an email to:
    I would be happy to try and cover topics of interest. The only requirement that I would ask is that it must relate to Kentucky. No matter where you are in the world Kentucky holds a unique place. It was the fourteenth state, the first to be added to the original thirteen colonies forming the United States only sixteen years after the revolution. The last battle of the revolutionary war was here on Kentucky soil at Blue Licks State Park.
    So, tell me what you would like to see more of, less of or anything between in future blog posts and please, please share this site with those on your Facebook friends and Twitter followers and ask them to share with their friends as well. Thank you for your support and interest.

Ross Steely video taping interviews about the Swift legend with father Mike Steely looking on.
    In the meantime a video production is being produced by Ross Steely about the legend of John Swift. This video when finished will be the most recent and up-to-date coverage and in-depth look into the legend evaluating the facts and lore regarding the 200 year old  legend. Filming is currently underway and we have not heard of a release date at this time. One of the most knowledgeable people of the legend in the southern Kentucky and Tennessee areas, Roy Price, was recently videoed at Cumberland Falls.


  1. Granted, you'd think I'd know the legend since I'm at this site, but I've only heard of it. What is the full legend? Is this Swift the same.that wrote Gulliver's Travel or A modest Proposal or are they two different people (or 3 because I feel like A modest proposal is much older but I.don't know)? Anyway, I the full scoop, is there or was there a map? Do you believe it exists?

    Thank you also your other site is pretty cool. I plan on buying a copy.

  2. Thanks for posting. Go to on Facebook for a lot of information. This is a page devoted just to this legend and associated treasure information. There is not enough space here to tell the entire legend but it really is fascination. Also, check older posts on this blog. There is one about Daniel Boone and Gulliver' Travels. And thanks for buying my book!


Swift Interview

    Just a quick update as promised. The Swift interview will air May 21 at 8:00 PM on KET. The last entry on this site covered the intervie...