Thursday, March 10, 2011

Unusual Kentucky

 If you are interested in odd and unusual places and people of Kentucky the I highly recommend Unusual Kentucky.  Although, the site has nothing to do with Swift, it is absolutely one of my favorite sites.  And it's updated almost everyday with some new item that is unusual or strange.  So, I thought I would share this link with you so that you may enjoy as well.


Kentucky Coffeetree

Some of you may think of the coffeehouse in Frankfort when you hear the name, but the Kentucky Coffeetree was briefly our state tree, from 1976 to 1994.

It had originally been the Tulip Poplar, but in 1976 it was discovered that this had never officially been made legal in the Kentucky statutes. Rather than simply make a quiet adjustment to the statutes, the lawmakers felt the thing to do was to totally reopen the issue all over again. Louisville Courier-Journal writer Joe Creason campaigned hard to have the Kentucky Coffeetree appointed our new state tree, and soon he had the masses riled up behind him 


  1. Ed, I have an old book that someone gave me that was published back in the 30's about Kentucky. In it, it says the KY state tree is the Slippery Elm. I can't find anything about. Have you heard that?

  2. Old, I've never heard that. Very interesting. I'll do some checking on it. Thanks for posting!
