Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Behind the Scenes

    Getting the right photograph for the blog entry involves getting out and visiting some pretty interesting sights. Since the Swift Blog prominently features a collection of photographs related to each topic a lot of effort is required to get to the "right" spot to bring a photo that helps explain the topic. It is a fun adventure for sure and provides the chance to visit or revisit some wonderful places.
    Since this site is devoted to the Swift Legend a lot of the places deal with geology and landmarks. But really it's what ever catches my fancy as I explore this great state.  I have made it a practice to film video clips while making photos for the web site.  Very amateur and random but the purpose was to video record the site visit and rather hastily since much of my time is devoted to make the actual photos used in the blog.
    I was looking through some of these clips and thought I would string some of them together and share with you here.  It's not long and as I indicated very far from professional. So, go to the following YouTube link for a short adventure in Behind the Scenes of the Swift Blog:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UX_Fhg00uuI&feature=youtu.be

Friday, June 7, 2013

Swift- The Legend Continues...

    Hello everyone.  Summer is in full swing here and I am currently working on some more (hopefully) interesting entries for the Swift blog site. I have received several emails from some of you regarding some of the very interesting finds and discoveries you have made. Perhaps I will be able to travel to some of the places you have shared.
    I very much welcome any topics you might wish to share on this site and extend an offer for you to post an article on this site. Now the site gets many visitors everyday. Some are serious treasure hunters and researchers and others simply stumbled upon the site. Either way, I am glad to have visitors and certainly welcome comments.
    In a few weeks I plan to post a short video of "out takes" at some of the sites covered here over the years. I have made it a practice to shoot some video footage along with the photos that go into this blog. The video is not professional to be sure, but does provide some fun background of the effort it takes to visit and record these interesting places. So watch this blog for the photos not included in the blog. Oh, and tell folks about my book and how to get it:  http://booklocker.com/books/5744.html

    Those who prefer Amazon.com  can find the book at http://www.amazon.com/Ed-Henson/e/B005ZZD7Y6. And the price of the paper back is now $17.50 at Amazon.com.  Better hurry though, only a few are in stock. Be sure to tell others about the book and this blog site. And thanks for stopping by.