Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Swift Update

    I'm happy to announce the book is with the publisher and should be through the printing phase in four to six weeks.It has been a grind the past several weeks finishing up the final touches on the work. I think readers will enjoy this romp through Kentucky exploring the age old legend.
     Mike Steely, author of  Swift's Silver Mines and other related Appalachian Treasures, graciously agreed to write the forward. Thank you Mike for your support. The book is going to be available in both print and e-book versions. I will post a link on this blog to my new website when it is up and running. 
    We will be sending out a press release a couple of weeks before the release date. I also plan to make the rounds promoting the book and the topic of Swift.  The book, of course will be available through the new web site as well as the usual places such as and other book sellers.
    I will continue to keep this blog up and running with some of the off beat and unusual things that cross my path but will discontinue providing excerpts as the book will be available.

  Ed Henson